We help men* become the best version of themselves.

Are you tired of feeling like this?

I feel out of control because I don’t like the way I get when I’m angry or disappointed.

I feel weak because I have trouble being assertive.

I’m isolated because the people I care about are tired of my broken promises.

I’m lonely because I want to open up with people, but I don’t know how.

I’m depressed because I don’t know where my life is going.

I feel like a failure who never lived up to expectations.

Creative Masculinity is an online community and resource hub for men who want to become the best version of themselves. We offer…

  • Virtual Drop-In Groups

    Our groups are for men who are changing and want a home base to workshop their efforts at.

    In our expertly facilitated group sessions, you’ll learn something that might help you and bring what you’re working on to a diverse group of men who are in the same boat as you.

  • Online Courses

    Our courses are for men who want to be a part of a learning community around specific problems.

    We meet in person, on zoom, once a week, for 6 weeks.

    In each session, we introduce a psychological tool or useful presentation that is paired with discussion grounded in our experiences.

    At the end of 6 weeks, you’ll have improved emotional control, and you’ll know that you’re not working at it alone. 

  • 1 on 1 Support

    1 on 1 support is for men who want a co-pilot who will help them explore their inner terrain.

    We connect you with a male social worker to talk to for an hour a week.

    Their main job is to support you with a fine-tuned mix of goal oriented encouragement and room to breathe. 

    We provide a safe, supportive, and useful person, to help you explore yourself.

We work with men, not on men.

We don’t make men feel bad or cajole them to be like us.

We want men to be more of themselves.

We provide tools and a diverse community where men can develop themselves with support.

Trans-men are welcome!

How we do it…

  • We mean diversity, not just in terms of race but also sexual orientation, age, personalities, and intellectual interests. Men benefit from hearing each other's viewpoints. Each of us has part of the answer, so our facilitators encourage each person to speak from their individual viewpoint and then highlights the similarities for everyone’s edification.

  • We offer men tools, so they can work at their own pace. There’s no hierarchy in our course structure or the availability of our resources. Everything is open to you as soon as you’re ready to take it. At the same time, men who consistently attend our meetings are inspired to keep growing. We offer 1 on 1 support in which social work works with you to set goals and change at your own pace.

  • We tend to think that we’re the only ones with that problem. Our courses, services, and groups are designed to show men the opposite. When men find their problems reflected in someone else, they feel like a weight is taken off their shoulders. When we unburden ourselves of these problems, we make room in our hearts and minds to learn and grown.

  • We make sure that you walk away from every session with something to think about or try doing. You will never leave without a wise takeaway point. Our resources and workbooks are based in proven psychology, and our services are staffed by social workers. More than, that we've been through it too, so we know what to share and what to let you learn on your own.

What men are saying…

  • "I feel like if we change the idea of being like messy or sloppy with our emotions to being complex about our emotions, we might approach it a different way. I think that having the space to be complex is definitely something that a lot of men, especially men of color, seek out and want. And it feels good when you're there."

    Creative Masculinity Member

  • "It's just it's really been the perfect mix of a place to share and to feel heard and then to have some real concrete ideas like, okay, well, what if you tried this?"

    Creative Masculinity Member

  • "If I put my palm down on the table, I'll have 5 to 6 men from 5 to 6 different perspectives going at it. Imagine you got a problem, and you take it to a university, and you have a philosopher over here, a medical person over here, a physician, a physical trainer over here. That's all the men that come to the group. "

    Creative Masculinity Member

Listen to what men are finding in Creative Masculinity…

Become a better version of you…